【軟體名稱】NovaLauncherPrime【版本信息】v3.0.2Final【文件大小】4.21MB+396KB【語言】多國語言(繁簡中)【使用權限】付費版(直裝解鎖版, ...,InstallstheNovaLauncherto/system/app/onAndroid.RequiresyoutohaveMagiskv20.4orhigher,anditworkswithAndroid8.0+!,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nova桌面Nova Launcher Prime v3.0.2 Final 付費版

【軟體名稱】Nova Launcher Prime 【版本信息】v3.0.2 Final【文件大小】4.21 MB + 396 KB【語言】多國語言(繁簡中) 【使用權限】付費版(直裝解鎖版, ...

MinionguyjproNovaInstaller: Installs the Nova Launcher to ...

Installs the Nova Launcher to /system/app/ on Android. Requires you to have Magisk v20.4 or higher, and it works with Android 8.0+!

Nova Launcher Prime v8.4.0 MOD APK (LiteUnlocked)

Nova Launcher Prime APK is a fast, smooth and best rated user interface for Android. This launcher can suit any user thanks to its premium customization.

Nova Launcher for Android 1.3.2 Now Available for Download

A new flavor of the Nova launcher is now available for download for devices running under Google's Android operating system, with features ...

Nova Launcher Beta

Nova Launcher Beta builds include new features and tweaks before they're released to all users. They're not tested as thoroughly and may not be as reliable.

Nova Launcher Prime

評分 4.4 (365,459) 購買Nova Launcher Prime 即可獲得以下額外功能: ... 手勢操作- 透過各種豐富的手勢動作來開啟您最愛的應用程式。 ... 自訂程式集群組- 在程式集裡建立標籤分頁或資料夾。

Download Nova Launcher 1.3.2 apk free -

Highly customizable, performance driven, home screen replacement for Android 4.0+Accept no substitutes! Nova Launcher is the original and ...

Nova Launcher 2.2.3

Nova Launcher is a powerful, customizable, and versatile home screen replacement. Nova brings advanced features to enhance your home screens.

Nova Launcher 1.3.3 APK Download by Nova Launcher

About Nova Launcher 1.3.3. Nova Launcher is a powerful, customizable, and versatile home screen replacement. Nova brings advanced features to enhance your home ...


【軟體名稱】NovaLauncherPrime【版本信息】v3.0.2Final【文件大小】4.21MB+396KB【語言】多國語言(繁簡中)【使用權限】付費版(直裝解鎖版, ...,InstallstheNovaLauncherto/system/app/onAndroid.RequiresyoutohaveMagiskv20.4orhigher,anditworkswithAndroid8.0+!,NovaLauncherPrimeAPKisafast,smoothandbestrateduserinterfaceforAndroid.Thislaunchercansuitanyuserthankstoitspremiumcustomization.,AnewflavoroftheNovala...